We all love drinking. Drinking is almost always fun. It takes a lot to make it boring. However, sometimes you find yourself with nothing better to do than sit on the couch and watch Dude, Where's My Car? while throwing back some Boone's Wine. As hard as this may be to believe sitting around on the couch can get old after a while. Invariably, someone (usually a semi-literate ex-sorority type of very marginal intelligence) will say, "Let's play drinking games!"
Be very afraid at this point, for The Man has entered the room. Without a doubt, people will begin suggesting the standard numb-nuts drinking games: the "Asshole" card game, watching a movie and drinking every time someone swears, etc etc.
The Man invented these games. Unless you are The Man's little prison bitch, you will not partake. What you will do instead is realize that, as usual, Ginandtacos.
com is here to save you. Select from the following list of hardcore drinking games invented by the authors and you are sure to be the hit of the party. Or, failing that, you will hit everyone at the party. One of the two.
You've all heard of 'spin the bottle.' Name the Bottle is its drunken creepy uncle. And the only kissing it involves is with your lips on a bottle of gin. Here's how you play:
You know what the problem with 'Asshole' and all those other standard games is? You hardly get drunk at all. Such games are for total pussies. Playing 'Asshole' with a Miller Lite means that in an hour you're probably going to ingest a whole 1/4 ounce of alcohol. Oh wow, you're so hardcore. Bitch. If you're really hardcore and not a poser, you'll forget Asshole and start playing Shut Up and Drink the Gin.
At the center of the circle should be a deck of cards and a bottle of Sir Robert Burnett's London Dry Gin (or any other acceptable shot-pounding liquor).
it is, he/she must do a shot of gin.
Trust us on this one. It may sound a little snotty and pretentious, but it's fun for more than just philosophy majors. Only illiterate fucks who think the Chicago Sun-Times is intellectually stimulating will refuse to play and discover this game's hardcoreness.
You may be thinking that this game sounds pretty lame. But if you have ever read Kant, you are fully aware that the man had a physical disorder that prevented him from writing a paragraph without using the phrase "a priori" at least twice.
Everyone will be bombed after one chapter. And hey, your stupid ass might actually learn something.
Shawn says:
Good design!
http://iarwgcta.com/czke/bysk.html | http://ehrsolzf.com/mhwy/rjsh.html
amaryl glimepiride says:
big thank.
Matt says:
My god you're an angery, negative man. Personally i find your site down right negative and pretty lame.
You think by inventing an intensly dull drinking game which requires everybody to read is sociable and makes you better than people who'd rather play an amusing and interesting game. I consider myself SO fortunate that i haven't had to participate in them.
You know most people can read they simply choose not to tell everyone about it. Furthermore, there are other far more demanding skills then reading…TRY SOME!!
Nick says: